Smart Boards for Columbia, SC, Offices
If you want to make your meetings more efficient and cost-effective, smart boards from Valuebiz are the perfect addition to your corporate tool box. These interactive white boards take time management and cost-efficiency to a whole new level in the following ways:
- Using computers and specialized software, smart boards allow participants in Columbia, SC, to virtually collaborate and interact with others in different locations around the world, resulting in the benefits of teamwork without the expense of flying participants to your office.
- Using a stylus or even a finger, team members can digitally draw or write their contributions on the interactive white board. Notes and graphics can be saved directly to your computer, eliminating the need for time-consuming dictation or transcription services.
- With just a few keystrokes, you can introduce vibrant graphics, and engaging audio and video presentations to your meeting. Smart boards can also access the Internet, pertinent computer programs, or other materials you may need, and easily go back and forth between content. This seamless flow of information will turn your meeting into a vibrant informational exchange, cultivating creativity and keeping the attention of all participants.
Valuebiz is proud to offer a full array of smart boards and accessories to help you make your meetings and remote conferences as efficient and engaging as possible. Contact us when it’s time to buy a smart board, or when you need high-quality office furniture and equipment. We look forward to serving you in Columbia and surrounding South Carolina communities.